Sunday, June 27, 2010


Peggy West, an elected official in Milwaukee county, Wisconsin said in an interview earlier this week about the Arizona law SB1070 that if we were talking about Texas and they had passed an immigration law similar to Arizona’s law, that she would have to look twice at it because Texas shares a border with Mexico.  But Arizona, she states, is a state a ways removed from the Mexico border.  I’m not making this up.  Thankfully a fellow councilmember who obviously paid attention in geography in school informed her that Arizona does in deed share a border with Mexico.  Even Jon Kyl of Arizona got wind of this and sent her a letter and a map to prove to her she was oh so wrong.  So in West’s own words, I guess she needs to think twice about this law in Arizona—SB1070. 

That’s a huge part of the problem with all the dems supporting boycotts of Arizona.  Most of them don’t have a damn clue what they are talking about.  Most of them haven’t read the bill for themselves.  I have read it and I can tell you that the Arizona law is more restrictive on law enforcement officials than the federal law on the same issue.  Not only that, but 35 years ago, the Supreme Court decided that it is within states rights to impose their own laws regarding immigration so long as the state law does not try to remove power for the federal law.  And in this case it doesn’t.  In fact, this law strengthens the federal law.  Why are we so afraid to enforce our own laws regarding immigration?  You keep hearing that our immigration system is broken.  How so?  The only thing that is broken is that we don’t do anything to enforce the laws once we find illegal immigrants on our soil.  I have a dozen friends or more from Mexico and Spain that are here legally which proves that our immigration system works.  Open your eyes people!  I’m not saying we shouldn’t let immigrants in.  We need them in our country.  That’s what makes our country great.  But it needs to be done in accordance with the laws that are already on the books. 

If you have a beef with Arizona’s law SB1070, please take the time to sit down and read it.  I promise you’ll be surprised that all this commotion was raised by such a mundane law.  It takes about 10-20 minutes to read, depending on how fast you read.  19 pages on most websites.  You can do and should do it if you are going to speak out against it. 

And what’s with Obama planning on suing the state?  What a fool.  It’s not the place of the federal government to tell states what laws they can or can’t pass.  Not only that, but once again the president finds himself at odds with the American people since all polls show that a whopping 70% of the people in this country approve of this new law in Arizona. 

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